Job Description
Duke University Health System
Durham, North Carolina, Onsite 3 days per week, 2 days remote Oc cu p ational Summ a ry : In i t i ate , coordinate , and manage all investigationa l and evaluation act i vities associated with professional and general liabi l ity occurrences and claim pre-litigat i on files. Negotiate a r esolution with authority from D i rector. Provide basic and comp l ex preventive risk management assessment of processes, procedures, and programs , i ncluding in-service education , consultation, liaison act i vit i es , and on-call emergency ass i stance to provide r s . Dutie s and R e s po n si b i l i ti es o f t hi s Lev el Invest i gate and analyze potential and actual profess i onal l i ability and gener a l liabil i ty exposures in the Health System ; e valuate the extent and e l ements of exposure and recommend appropriate act i ons for risk mitigat i on . Investigate , evaluate and document pre-litigation occu r rences and c l aims . Recommend reso l ut i on , and complete negoti a tion of r esolu t ion w i th i n au t hority g r anted by D ir ector . Complete notifications and financ i a l recommendations needed for compl i ance with tracking and insu r er requirements , i n clud i ng i nsura n ce carrier n otificat i ons, reserve recommendations , and any federal, state , or e n tity report i ng requ i rements ( in cluding SMOA, DataBank, etc. ) as necessary. Review , code and i nvestigate occurrence reports; recommend co r rective actions ba s ed on i n d i v i dual reports or trends . P r ovide quality assurance and peer review r eferra l s as appropriate .
Provide i nservice education on risk management top i cs , both standard basic education and complex focused topics as needed and/or requested . Provide on-call assis t ance for e m erge nt/ urgent risk management issues to all DUHS staff as needed . On-call duties are assigned on a rotation bas i s when possible . Prepa r e reports and analyses setting forth progress , adverse trends and appropriate recommendations or conc l us i o n s . Represent the Departme n t of C l in i ca l Risk Manageme n t on va r i ous DUHS and entity comm i ttees as necessary . Perform other re l ated duties incidenta l to the work described herein . K n owl e d g e , S kill s a n d Abilit ie s Customer Serv ic e Risk Evaluat i on I nterv i ewing Sk ill s I nvestiga t ion Skills Med i ca l Term i nology Analyze Da t a Analyze Trends Risk Ana l ysis Minimum Qualifications Education Work requires a Bachelor’s degree in business administration, public policy, hospital administration or a related field to acquire appropriate analytical, communicative and organizational skills. A Bachelor’s degree in a clinical field (e. g. nursing, physician’s associate) may be substituted if supplemented by additional courses or training in business or a related field (at least one year).
Experience Work requires a minimum of four years experience in one or more of the following fields: patient care, public policy, health care administration, business administration, legal support or insurance/claims investigation and settlement. Graduate education beyond the bachelor’s degree in hospital administration, business administration, public policy or a related field may be substituted for the required experience on a 1:1 basis. Degrees, Licensures, Certifications Associate in Risk Management or Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management desirable. Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual’s age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas-an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values. Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.
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